Them haters are
Because that's just whoot I am.
Flavors Archive
1 AUGUST 2011: We reaches Changi Airport around 12am+ our flight was at 1:00am+ Checking-in our baggage. After awhile, the staff told us she couldn't find our record for today! OHHH MY GODD~~! checking still going on after she seek for help from the Manager. 20minutes after: Manager came to say that the date of the flight has been changed. my sister was super pissed off. as no one inform her by phone nor email.. Manager still have the cheek to say that there's no contacts found under all of our names -.- HELLO?! MR MANAGER! getting contacts from customer it's compulsory! how can you say that? -.- (anyway my sister put the same number under all of us name, how can it be so coincident that no contact under all of us right? nonsense!) and then, the Manager immediate arrange flight for the next day at 12:45pm. they offer us to stay over night at their airport 4 Star Crowne Plaza Hotel. 2 AUGUST 2011: Take some photo of our room before leaving! F.Y.I(For Your Information)! this might be the first and also the last time get to stay this hotel, so..... PICTURES! NG NG! lols. hmm.. better^^ 上飞机咯! 快快开戏来看 打发打发一下时间^^ Fast 5! IT'S DINNER TIME! ^^ Menu. I ordered, Pan fried fish with lemon sauce, sauteed spinach, tomato and potato SNACKS TIME^^ 类似kebab的食物 我们的dessert! MAGNUM ice-cream<3
7:08 AM
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now watching 爱.. 刚跟宝贝聊电话, 开心他平安到家咯^^ 现在是7:36PM了 多两个钟头半就要被接去机场了 7个钟头的飞机 就到杜拜了): 可是现在就已经在想我的宝贝了 何况是要去一个礼拜多的杜拜 hais.. 没关系! 像宝贝说的一眨眼就过去了 很快又要见面了 嘻嘻!! 好啦! 祝我旅途愉快! ^^v 9天后再见!
4:34 AM
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25 JULY 2011: Last Saturday pasar malam again with dear(: bought this drink 绿奶, which Hebe recommended me && as for dear dear he drink yogurt. I didn't go and get my favorite 豆花布丁 as before that he's mummy already bought it for us ^^ On Sunday. 24 JULY 2011: Keng Hua jio me and dear to check out he's new house. still under renovating thou.. at Setia Eco Garden. && he bring us to the show room too.
9:39 PM
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oh my, oh my~ it only Wednesday today! SATURDAY! PLEASE COME FASTER I BEG CHUU. gonna sleep early ugh.. prepare myself for work tomorrow! 加油加油~! ^.<
8:20 AM
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现在的天气好好哦! 刚下完雨,凉凉的^^ 等下睡觉就不会热咯! 要不然dear dear又流汗 -.- Take alook at him! 还玩game玩的那么爽! 去睡觉咯.. 晚安!!
9:08 AM
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I have decide! i wanna break the wall between me and her (: 这才是我! 难道我已渐渐找回了自己? 不管了..终止我觉得我这个决定是对的就行了^^
8:57 AM
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